Homemade oatmeal recipe

Oatmeal is increasingly used in the kitchen and in the preparation of homemade beauty treatments for its multiple benefits. This cereal provides carbohydrates, fiber, protein, B vitamins and minerals such as sodium. In addition, this type of flour is much healthier than wheat flour because it is more digestible and less caloric. In fact, it helps regulate intestinal transit and is recommended to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

However, the benefits of oatmeal do not end there, since diluted in water and applied topically, it controls acne, reduces skin blemishes and calms irritated skin. For all these reasons, having it at home is more than recommended. However, buying it prepared can be expensive. For this reason, we teach you how to make oatmeal, a much more natural and economical product.

Ingredients to make Homemade Oatmeal:

  • 100 grams of oat flakes

How to make homemade oatmeal:

  1. Put the oat flakes in the blender glass, cover it and start grinding.
  2. To make oatmeal it is best to use traditional flakes and avoid instant oatmeal. Likewise, to make whole grain oatmeal you will need to use whole grain flakes (the procedure is the same).
  3. Tip: To get a finer oatmeal, we recommend grinding the flakes in two batches.
  4. After about three minutes, stir the oats so that the flakes are crushed evenly and continue grinding.
  5. Although it may seem like a step that you can skip, the truth is that if you do not stir the oats, what will happen is that many of the flakes will remain uncrushed because the flour will accumulate at the bottom and will not allow the remaining flakes to circulate.
  6. Pass the oats through a sieve to obtain a much finer flour. The remains that remain in the strainer are the oat bran, which you can also save and use for multiple recipes. For example, you can make oatmeal cookies with this bran.
  7. Clever! You already have your homemade oatmeal ready to make your favorite recipes.

Oatmeal – Recipes and properties

Oatmeal is considered the cereal with the highest percentage of protein, which is why it is so widely used in vegetarian and vegan recipes. In addition, due to its amount of carbohydrates (72 g per 100 g of product), oats provide a lot of energy to the body, which is why it is especially recommended for people with anemia or who feel a little weak.

Another benefit of oatmeal that we can also take advantage of in its flour form is the amount of fiber. Thanks to it, it is recommended to replace wheat flour with oatmeal when suffering from gastrointestinal disorders to promote the rebalancing of transit and intestinal flora. Likewise, it has sodium, iron and B vitamins.


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