Homemade Marshmallows Recipe

Marshmallows or marshmallows are sweets that simulate a colorful and sweet cloud. The word marshmallow comes from the mallow, a plant that grows in Europe, North Africa and Asia, whose sap was used as a thickener, mainly in ancient Egypt. Therefore, these sweets are older than we imagine. These classic treats appear in the movies, usually the protagonists sit around a campfire and burn the marshmallows. We also point out that we can find these sweets anywhere in the world, with a variety of colors and presentations.

Do you wonder how to make homemade marshmallows with gelatin? In this article we teach you how to prepare marshmallows step by step and without sugar. Don’t miss this recipe!

Ingredients to make homemade marshmallows:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 14 grams of sugar-free gelatin
  • 50 cubic centimeters of water

How to make homemade marshmallows:

  1. To start preparing this marshmallow recipe, first beat the egg whites until stiff.
  2. Trick: in this recipe you should not use syrup to cook the whites.
  3. Therefore, for the preparation to be safe, we recommend using pasteurized egg whites or avoiding the consumption of these marshmallows for those who belong to the risk group: pregnant women, children and the elderly.
  4. On the other hand, choose the flavor of gelatin that you like the most and hydrate it and dissolve it in the 50 cc of water.
  5.  Microwave for about 30 seconds. After this step, continue beating the whites while you add the gelatin and water solution in a string.
  6. Beat until you get a stable preparation to assemble or achieve the well-known “letter point”.
  7. Tip: keep in mind that the marshmallows will take on the color of the jelly you have chosen.
  8. If you want to choose the color, regardless of the flavor, you must use the same amount of unflavored gelatin.
  9. At this point, you should dye your marshmallows with vegetable coloring and flavor it with the aromatic
  10. Prepare a mold with plastic wrap and sprinkle it with corn starch.
  11. Tip: these quantities will yield a 12 x 16 and 4 cm high mold.
  12. Pour the preparation of your homemade marshmallows into it and cover with more corn starch and another plastic wrap.
  13. You must take it to the fridge for at least 2 hours, there it will take consistency
  14. Once the time has passed, cut your marshmallows with the help of a knife.
  15.  We point out that you will notice that when using film, the preparation does not stick to the container, and if you do not want to use film, you can pour your preparation into the mold with cornstarch.
  16. In that case, it might stick, but it will come off with the help of a putty knife.
  17.  Also, you should know that if it resists cutting, you can dip your knife in hot water to make it easier.
  18. Tip: you can cut the marshmallows in the desired shape. If you want to make the marshmallow braided, they will need to be thin strips.
  19.  Also, you can use cutters and make shapes like stars, hearts, or flowers.
  20. Now you can enjoy these delicious homemade marshmallows! Have fun creating different options with the little ones in the house.


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