Homemade Galician burnt

Ingredients to make homemade Galician Queimada:

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 liter brandy
  • 150 grams of sugar

How to make homemade Galician Queimada:

  1. Place the sugar and two pieces of lemon rind in a proper container for queimada or in a porcelain or iron pan.
  2. Reserve two tablespoons of sugar and put them in the ladle. Pour the brandy, put a little in the ladle and set it on fire, incorporating it burning into the rest of the queimada.
  3. Do a few laps without touching the bottom too much. Take the sugar from the bottom.
  4. Drain the brandy and let it burn with the fire. The caramel thus formed gives it a toasted color. We can let it burn for as long as we want, that’s up to taste.
  5. The less it burns, the stronger it is. It is turned off by blowing hard or with a lid.
  6. There are those who incorporate it into the queimada when starting to make it with a few pieces and the juice of a lemon. Others add a few coffee beans and extinguish it with red wine.
  7. The ingredients that we indicate are the fundamental ones. The rest are variations that are introduced depending on who makes the burn.
  8. To make the caramel we can reserve a little of the sugar and not soak it in the brandy, being dry it browns more easily.

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