Homemade Egg Flan Recipe

In this article we love desserts, especially if they are homemade and made with all the love with which our parents or grandparents did. This is the case with this homemade egg flan recipe, made with that sweet and smooth flavor of a lifetime and that continues to be number 1 in our hearts.

You can follow this recipe using ramekins or make a single flan in a baking pan. Be that as it may, it will be delicious and will be perfect to accompany an afternoon of dessert or a birthday party. Let’s get to it and discover how to make homemade egg flan in the oven.

Ingredients to make homemade Egg Flan:

  • 4 eggs
  • 8 tablespoons of panela sugar
  • 1 branch of vanilla
  • 2 glasses of whole or semi-whole milk
  • 12 small cups of disposable aluminum foil molds, or those you have for the oven
  • For the liquid caramel
  • 1 small glass of panela sugar

How to make homemade Egg Flan:

  1. Heat the milk for a couple of minutes in the microwave so that it is lukewarm.
  2. Open the vanilla pod and put it in the container with the milk.
  3. On the other hand, preheat the oven to 180 ° C with heat up and down.
  4. Pour 2 fingers of water on the oven tray and let it heat up, since we will make the egg flan in a bain-marie.
  5. Pour the milk into the mixing glass or blender. Introduce the eggs and sugar and beat at minimum speed. To prevent too much foam from forming, you can use a hand stirrer or a mixing fork. Let stand.
  6. Pour the other small glass of panela sugar into a small skillet or casserole.
  7. Add a splash of water and heat, stirring constantly,so that the sugar browns.
  8. Don’t let it get too dark or burn as it will turn bitter. You will see that it will begin to bubble and, little by little, it will take on a very appetizing golden hue.
  9. Do not let the sugar cool down and pour it into the flan cups or the mold you use. Let it solidify after a couple of minutes.
  10. Then, pour the whipped milk with the other ingredients.
  11. Tip: If you use a familiar mold, follow exactly the same steps.
  12. The egg flan is ready to go into the oven. You can put a piece of aluminum foil in the molds to prevent water from entering.
  13. Take them to the tray very carefully not to burn yourself. Cook for 50 minutes at 180 °Cwith heat up and down.
  14. They are already prepared, take it out of the oven and let it cool for an hour.
  15. Then, take them to the fridge and they will be ready to unmold in 4 hours.
  16.  Enjoy your homemade egg flan with cream, fruit or dulce de leche.


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