Homemade custard recipe without cornstarch

If you like the taste of traditional custard, but not that it contains flour, or you just want to make it at home, but you don’t have cornstarch, we have the perfect homemade custard recipe for you.

Although it is true that custards thicken more when they contain cornstarch, it is possible to make homemade custards without cornstarch and the flavor is exactly the same whether or not it has flour. Of course, you have to make them with care and over low heat, since it is a classic recipe, one of those that our grandmothers made with all the love and patience of slow cooking.

However, you will see that having a rich and simple dessert is very easy with this recipe and in this article we tell you how to make homemade custard without homemade cornstarch so that you can enjoy them as soon as possible.

Ingredients to make Homemade Custard without Cornstarch:

  • 5 egg yolks
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)
  • 450 grams of milk
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 dessert spoon of ground cinnamon

How to make Homemade Custard without Cornstarch:

  1. Put the yolks in a bowl with the sugar and beat until they are pale.
  2. Put the milk in a pot together with the vanilla extract and the cinnamon stick. Heat the milk well, but without letting it boil.
  3. When the milk is hot, add a little of the milk to the beaten yolks with the sugar. While you add the milk, beat constantly so that the yolks do not curdle.
  4. Keep adding milk a little at a time while continuing to beat.
  5. It will not be necessary to add all the milk to the yolks, but approximately half.
  6. Put everything back in the pot and lower the heat.
  7.  Go stirring from time to time. Leave over low heat without letting it boil until the custard thickens a bit. It will take about ten minutes for them to be ready.
  8. Trick: Be careful and cook over low heat or the homemade custard can be cut
  9. By not using any type of flour, these custards do not thicken excessively, but you will notice that the cream has a thicker texture.
  10. Once they are in, strain the custard so that they are finer and take them to some small molds appropriate for them.
  11. Let the custard cool and put them in the fridge until the time of consumption.
  12. When serving the custard without cornstarch, sprinkle them with ground cinnamon.


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