Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe

Chocolate mayonnaise is a staple in French pastries. It has a mousse-like texture.

If you like chocolate desserts and homemade ice creams, this is the recipe you needed. Follow the step-by-step instructions shared in this article by the colleagues of Bread, grapes and cheese and enjoy a true classic.

The homemade chocolate ice cream that we show you below is easier to prepare than you think, so don’t hesitate and get down to work to savor this dessert today.

Ingredients to make homemade chocolate ice cream:

  1. 180 grams of dark chocolate
  2. 80 grams of icing sugar
  3. 30 grams of Butter
  4. 4 eggs
  5. 1 tablespoon of rum

How to make Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream:

  • The first thing we will do to prepare this delicious homemade ice cream will be to separate the whites from the yolks. Once separated, we mount the whites until stiff and reserve.
  • On the other hand, we melt the chocolate with the butter, in a water bath or in the microwave. So, we stir well until it’s creamy.
  • Remember that if you want to melt chocolate in the microwave you must do it little by little, heating the chocolate in 30-second intervals until it is completely melted.
  • Next, we mix the melted chocolate with the egg yolks. Stir well and add the icing sugar, mixing again until everything is integrated.
  • To finish combining the ingredients for the homemade chocolate ice cream, add the beaten egg whites and stir gently until they are fully integrated into the chocolate. We finished adding the liquor and mixing again.
  • Rum is an optional ingredient but we recommend using it to give the ice cream an unexpected touch of flavor.
  • If we have a refrigerator, we put the chocolate mixture in the fridge for a few hours so that it is cold before making the ice cream. Then, we will simply pour the mixture into it and leave it until it has frozen.
  • If we do not have, we will put the mixture in an airtight container and leave it in the freezer. Every 45 minutes we will take it out and stir it with some rods. We will repeat this process 4 times.
  • Enjoy homemade ice cream with or without an ice cream maker and serve a delicious dessert after a special meal.
  • Chocolate ice cream is perfect for any occasion and you can use it to complete other recipes such as a chocolate brownie with ice cream or the typical ice cream shakes.

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