Homemade chocolate and almond nougat recipe step by step

When we decide to prepare the first nougat at home, we don’t know that we will never want the commercial nougat again because it is much richer and because we can also do it with the ingredients we have, and using the molds we can imagine to give it different shapes that are very beautiful and showy to give away. In this article I teach you how to prepare a crunchy almond nougat that is delicious and ends in a flash.

Ingredients to make homemade chocolate and almond nougat step by step:

  1. 100 grams of milk chocolate
  2. 100 grams of dark chocolate
  3. 40 grams of lard
  4. 75 grams of crunchy almond
  5. 1 handful of almonds to decorate

How to make homemade chocolate and almond nougat step by step:

  • We melted the chocolate by putting a not very large casserole with water on the fire. On top we place a metallic or glass bowl where we will leave the chopped chocolate. When the water is hot, the chocolate will begin to melt in a bain-marie. Stir occasionally and remove from heat when ready.
  • Melt the butter in the same bowl, keeping it inside the casserole. With the heat of the chocolate it will melt after a few minutes. Mix until integrated to continue with the recipe for chocolate and almond nougat.
  • Add the almond crocanti and mix very well until it is integrated.
  • Pour the mixture into the nougat mold, smooth the surface if necessary and put a little more crunchy almond on top to decorate.
  • Reserve the chocolate and crunchy almond nougat until set. If we are in a hurry, once cold we can cover it with transparent film and put it in the fridge. Enjoy your meal!

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