Homemade Chickpea Tofu Recipe

Chickpea tofu, also known as sham tofu or Burmese tofu is one of many meat substitute plant protein alternatives out there today. This homemade tofu, unlike traditional soy tofu, is much easier to make. The texture of this tofu is rather smooth and soft, but it can be used in multiple dishes and cooked in different ways: baked, pan-fried, grilled, fried, sautéed, battered, etc. Do you dare to prepare your own tofu? If the answer is yes, keep reading and discover with me, how to make homemade chickpea tofu.

Ingredients to make Homemade Chickpea Tofu:

  • 130 grams of chickpea flour
  • 750 milliliters of water
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon Herbs de Provence
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to make Homemade Chickpea Tofu:

1 In a bowl mix the dry ingredients: chickpea flour, salt, turmeric, herbs de Provence, garlic and onion powder and paprika.

2 Separate 250 ml of water and pour it little by little into the bowl with the chickpea flour. Mix non-stop with a manual rod whisk so that no lumps form. Let stand.

3 To continue with the chickpea tofu recipe, bring the remaining 500 ml of water to a boil. When the water reaches a boil, add the chickpea flour dough little by little, stirring continuously and cook over high heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

4 Turn off the heat without removing the saucepan and continue stirring for another 5 minutes so that the chickpea tofu mixture thickens and thickens.

5 Prepare a container lined with parchment paper and pour the mixture into it. Let stand for 2 hours at room temperature.

6 Next, store the homemade tofu in the fridge and let it sit overnight.

7 After the resting time, the chickpea tofu recipe will be ready to cook. As we said at the beginning, it can be served fried, battered…, as you like!

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