Homemade chicken croquettes recipe step by step

Homemade croquettes are an excellent option to prepare delicious and simple appetizers for any worthwhile occasion. That’s why we want to teach you how to make homemade chicken croquettes step by step so that you don’t have any problems when making them. Take a look at this recipe for chicken croquettes and enjoy!

Ingredients to make homemade chicken croquettes step by step:

  • 2 onions
  • 250 grams of Chicken
  • 175 grams of Butter
  • 175 grams of flour (1¼ cups)
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Flour for batter
  • Egg
  • Bread crumbs
  • Oil for frying

How to make homemade chicken croquettes step by step:

To make this recipe for homemade chicken croquettes, the first step is to cut the onions and chicken into very small pieces. Sauté the onion with the butter and when it is soft, add the chicken and the flour, and leave it until it takes on a little color. This way the chicken croquettes will be tastier. Then add the hot milk little by little, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps in the homemade béchamel. We can also make chicken croquettes without béchamel, but I think that this sauce makes them much better. Once all the milk has been incorporated, cook the dough for the homemade chicken croquettes over a little heat, stirring constantly, and season.

Remove from heat and add the egg yolks, stirring the mixture of homemade chicken croquettes vigorously. Cover the dough for the homemade croquettes with plastic wrap so that it does not form a crust and leave to cool. When the dough is cold, make small balls and pass them through flour, egg and breadcrumbs to form simple homemade chicken croquettes.

Fry the chicken croquettes in abundant, very hot oil, but without adding too many at once.  And ready! You can accompany your homemade chicken croquettes with some grilled prawns if you feel like it.

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