Homemade cajeta empanada recipe

The cajeta empanadas are sweet empanadas made in the oven. The fillings of this typical dish of the American continent can vary, it is mainly dulce de leche, but the cajeta empanadas can be made with jam, candied fruit or like the one we will teach you how to prepare next, filled with condensed milk.

Ingredients to make homemade cajeta empanada:


• 6 cups of flour (840 grams)

• 1 cup of sugar (200 grams)

• 1½ cups of Butter

• 3 dessert spoons of baking powder

• 1 can of cola


• 2 cans of condensed milk

• Glazed

• ½ teaspoon of Cinnamon

• ¾ cup icing sugar

How to make homemade cajeta empanada:

The first step to prepare these delicious cajeta empanadas will be to make the dough. To do this, the ingredients are mixed until a smooth dough is created. Balls about the size of a small lemon are then formed. Flatten the dough with the help of a tortilla or two flat surfaces, then fill with the condensed milk and close the edges of the sweet empanadas well. Help yourself with a fork to press the borders and seal them well. Bake at 190º until lightly golden. Remove and, before they cool, roll them in the cinnamon mixed with the sugar. If you wish, you can fill the empanadas with your favorite jam, dulce de leche or cream cheese previously mixed with sugar.

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