Homemade Buttermilk

Ingredients to make Homemade Buttermilk:

  1. 1 glass of whole milk
  2. juice of half a lemon

How to make homemade Buttermilk:

  • First of all, it is important to highlight that it is advisable to use whole milk to prepare homemade buttermilk. This is so because this milk contains more fat, which is exactly what we need to obtain whey.
  • Pour the juice of half a lemon into the glass of milk, which should be at room temperature, and stir just a little, just enough to mix both liquids. Let the mixture rest for 10 minutes and you will notice that it acquires a texture like sour milk or liquid cheese.
  • After the resting time, strain the milk through a very fine strainer or, if possible, a gauze strainer to completely separate the cream. You can also leave the milk as it is if you prefer, but the usual thing is to strain it.
  • Trick: Put in the fridge and use after two days. It will be more effective.
  • With this whey you can make delicious protein shakes, since homemade whey is indicated to increase muscle mass. Likewise, it is ideal for making shakes to lose weight, since whey is also suitable for weight loss. Or, simply, it can be taken alone during breakfast to give the body extra energy and nutrients.

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