Homemade banana ice cream recipe

A creamy and delicious ice cream is one of those desserts to which it is very difficult to say no. Have you ever dared to prepare ice cream at home? Is easier than it looks like! With the homemade recipe that we bring you this time, you will see that you will be able to make a light, creamy and delicious ice cream that, as a dessert, will have nothing to envy to the industrial ones.

In this article, we explain the step by step that you must follow to make this quick recipe for homemade banana ice cream. You can make it without an ice cream machine, you just need a blender, a food processor or a Thermomix. The more ripe the bananas you use, the sweeter your homemade ice cream will be. Finally, you will only have to choose which topping you want to accompany it with and you will have the perfect dessert.

As summer approaches, any cold recipe that helps us cope with the heat is welcome. Read on to learn how to make homemade banana ice cream!

Ingredients to make homemade banana ice cream:

  • 6 bananas (1 or 2 per serving)
  • 3 teaspoons of non-dairy milk or skim milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)
  • 50 grams of sugar (optional)
  • For the topping
  • Chopped nuts or dried fruit
  • Other fruits like blueberries, strawberries or raspberries

How to make Homemade Banana Ice Cream:

  1. To prepare your homemade banana ice cream, you will have to cut the fruit into pieces of about 4 centimeters.
  2. Save them and put them in the freezer.
  3. It is important that they are frozen when preparing it.
  4. Once they are frozen, take them out and put them in the blender or food processor. The bananas may take a while for the machine to process, so add about three teaspoons of skim milk.
  5.  Non-dairy milks like almond milk or coconut milk will also work perfectly if you want to make homemade vegan banana ice cream.
  6.  You can also use regular yogurt or Greek yogurt.
  7. Optionally, you can add essence of vanilla or sugar.
  8. As we said before, if the bananas are very ripe, it will be sweet enough and you will have a light banana ice cream whose calories you will not have to worry about.
  9. Once you’re done, you can serve your homemade banana ice cream immediately or store and store it in the freezer to enjoy when the heat gets closer.
  10. Toppings such as nuts or small and chopped fruits are delicious with this recipe, so go ahead and try as many toppings as you like! Do we give you ideas?
  11. Strawberries, blueberries or mango go perfectly with banana ice cream.


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