Homemade and easy tomato puree recipe

Concentrated tomato puree, ideal for pasta, cannelloni, meat, fish and many other dishes. It is made from a base of ripe tomato, garlic and olive oil so that an intense and tasty tomato paste remains. By not carrying water, the puree has much more flavor. However, if you wish, you can add a little and obtain a smoother and lighter homemade tomato puree, similar to tomato cream.

On the other hand, it is an excellent tomato puree for pizza, since, being concentrated, it fits perfectly with this type of preparation

Ingredients to make easy homemade tomato puree:

  • 3 kilograms of ripe tomatoes
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt and sugar
  • 1 bottle of extra virgin olive oil
  • glass jars

How to make Easy Homemade Tomato Puree:

  1. Chop the tomatoes and put them in a large pot with all the ingredients. Let them simmer for 1 hour and a half, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon and taking care not to let the tomato stick.
  2. While the concentrated tomato puree is being prepared, put the glass jars and their lids in another pot of cold water. Cook for half an hour to sterilize them and, after this time, remove them from the water and leave them face up on a clean cloth to drain them.
  3. When the tomato is well done, pass it through the food mill and then sift it to remove all the seeds. Rectify salt and sugar so that the tomato paste is to your liking. If you want a strong tomato puree, add less sugar.
  4. Fill the jars with the concentrated tomato puree.
  5. Close them well, put them in a pot and add water to reach half of the pots, putting cloths between them so that they do not collide with each other and break. Cook for 30 minutes if you want to make preserves. I usually leave them in the water after those minutes, with the fire off, until it cools down. However, other people take them out and put them upside down…, everyone has their trick! Without a doubt, this tomato puree recipe is delicious, as it is used for both pizzas and empanadas, soups, pasta and endless other dishes. Canisters can be stored in a cool, dry place; they usually last about 2 years or so.

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