Homemade Almond Milk

Ingredients to make homemade almond milk:

  1. 500 grams of natural almonds with skin
  2. 2 liters of drinking water
  3. Vanilla

How to make homemade almond milk:

  • To start making our homemade almond milk, the first step is to get all the ingredients ready.
  • Add the almonds in a bowl and leave them to soak with three cups of drinking water for approximately 12 hours, in the fridge or refrigerator
  • After those 12 hours, discard the water that was with the almonds.
  • Blend each cup of almonds with three cups of clean drinking water to continue with the homemade almond milk recipe.
  • Use a strainer to remove the pulp from the almonds in a bowl and reserve the milk in a container with a lid. We must bear in mind that this vegetable milk must remain in the fridge and has a shelf life of approximately 6 days. In this way, if you are wondering how long homemade almond milk lasts, the answer is less than a week.

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