Homemade Almond Butter Recipe

The almond butter that we will prepare with this easy recipe, unlike the rest of flavored butters, does not contain butter or any fat or animal matter.

The same almond oils make this delicious cream that is high in protein and a different snack, but do not forget to moderate its consumption to no more than two tablespoons a day.

Ingredients to make Homemade Almond Butter:

  • 500 grams of Almonds with skin

How to make Homemade Almond Butter:

1.To start making our homemade almond butter, the first step is to pre-list all the ingredients.

2.Add the almonds with skin in a refractory mold and bake for 20 minutes at 140 degrees to make our almond butter.

3.Once the almonds are removed from the oven, let cool, add half of the almonds to a processor. Grind for approximately 1 to 2 minutes.

4.Add the rest of the almonds and process for 1 to 2 more minutes, what will happen is that the almonds will release their oils and a paste will form or, as its name says, a butter.

5.In this photo we see the result of the previous procedure, this is the result of our homemade almond butter. Bring a glass jar and cover, the shelf life of this butter is approximately one to two months.

6.Serve the almond butter with any type of food, in this case as shown in the photo accompanying a green apple to present an exquisite dessert.

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