Hidalgo Style Chalupas Recipe

A very tasty recipe for Mexican appetizers that you should try sometime is that of the chalupas de Hidalgo. This recipe is a dish made with a small fried corn tortilla stuffed with potatoes, green sauce, chicken and lettuce. This dish is usually eaten during the September festivities, although it is also very popular throughout the year as a weekend nightly snack.

Keep reading and discover how to make Hidalgo-style chalupas if you feel like preparing this Mexican delicacy at home.

Ingredients to make Chalupas Hidalgo style:

• 500 grams of chalupera or taquera corn tortilla

• 5 medium potatoes

• 200 grams of shredded chicken breast

• 1 pinch of salt to taste

• 1 splash of oil or lard to taste

• 1 handful of finely chopped lettuce

• 1 radish sliced to taste

• 1 handful of grated white cheese to taste

For the green sauce:

• 5 green tomatillos

• 2 Serrano peppers

• 1 piece of white onion

• 1 clove garlic

How to make Hidalgo-style Chalupas:

Begin the Hidalgo-style chalupas recipe by preparing the mashed potatoes. To do this, in a conventional pot or pressure cooker, cook the whole potatoes in enough water and with a little salt until they are soft. Then, remove the skin by running the potatoes under cold water and then mash them until you get a puree. If you see it necessary, add a little more salt to taste and reserve.

For the green sauce, heat enough water in a container to cook the tomatillos with the Serrano peppers. Once hot, add these ingredients and let them boil for 10 minutes. When they are ready, blend with the piece of onion, the garlic clove and salt to taste and reserve. You can also fry the sauce for a few minutes or substitute this recipe for another salsa Verde recipe that you like, like this enchilada salsa Verde recipe. He begins to assemble the chalupa in the purest Hidalgo style. To do this, fry the tortilla in a skillet or comal with a little oil or butter until lightly golden. Then, add a little of the mashed potatoes and green sauce to taste, spreading both ingredients on the tortilla.

Prepare your own Mexican corn tortillas with this recipe. Add the chicken with a little grated cheese. You can substitute the chicken for hard-boiled egg or pork chorizo. Add lettuce to taste, a slice or half-moon of radish and the chalupas will be ready to eat. If you like it spicy, you can add more green sauce to taste. Enjoy these delicious boats from Hidalgo and tell us how they turned out.

Ideas to accompany the Hidalgo-style boats

As you can see, preparing some Hidalgo-style chalupas is very easy and they are very tasty, so it is the perfect dish for dinner due to its practicality and all its flavor. As we said, there are chicken, egg, sweetbread and even chorizo or longaniza chalupas. Likewise, these chalupas serve as an ingredient to prepare a guajolota, which is a bread filled with these delicious chalupas accompanied by a layer of beans.

Be that as it may, the Hidalgo-style boats do not go unnoticed and are very cheap. If you want them to be the true protagonists, you can serve them accompanied by a salad like these:

• Elbow salad with tuna

• Nopales Salad

• Corn and jicama salad

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