Hidalgo Style Carnitas Recipe

Ingredients to make Hidalgo style Carnitas:

  1. 10 kilograms of pork
  2. Salt (see preparation)
  3. 1 liter of orange juice (keep the peels)
  4. ¼ head of garlic
  5. 1 tablespoon ground black pepper
  6. 1 onion
  7. 1 bunch of herbs
  8. 1 liter of whole milk (or 2 cans of Carnation milk)
  9. 1 pinch of Seasoning
  10. 10 kilograms of Butter
  11. 2 liters of water

How to make Hidalgo-style Carnitas:

  • In the blender glass, pour the orange juice together with the finely chopped garlic, the black pepper and the chopped onion. Blend these ingredients very well until you get a more or less thick sauce.
  • Besides, heat the butter over high heat until it is boiling. Remember that this recipe is made for a large number of people, so you will need a large enough case.

Tip: If you want to vary the amounts of the recipe, remember that the butter should always be in proportion to the amount of meat. You must use the same amount or even a little more so that it reaches to cover it completely.

  • Lower the heat slightly, leaving the flame at medium gas and carefully add the meat. Let cook for 10 minutes and then add the water. You will see how the water begins to boil quickly and evaporate, this process is that the meat begins to cook.

Trick: You can use loin, rib or head, the leg is not highly recommended because it tends to dry out a lot.

  • After another 10 minutes, add the orange marinade previously prepared together with the orange peels and milk to the pot where you have the meat.

Trick: At this point it is advisable not to move the preparation too much, just have a wooden spoon in the saucepan to keep the meat from sticking to the bottom.

  • Continue cooking the Hidalgo style carnitas for one hour and after this time add the skins and salt.

Tip: During this cooking time it is important that the heat is not too high so that the butter does not burn and that the meat is always covered and never exposed.

  • To make the salt, mix 2 liters of water with 100 grams of sea salt. When it is well dissolved, add it to the pot with the meat and put it on high heat to cook for 3 minutes. After this time, lower the flame to low heat and continue cooking for another hour.
  • After this time, remove the pieces of meat that are already cooked, as well as the orange peels and the remains of the aromatic herbs.
  • Serve the Hidalgo-style carnitas with a little chopped onion, some corn tortillas and the sauce that you like the most, such as the seven chili sauce or the delicious chimole sauce.

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