Heura Croquettes Recipe

We are going to prepare some 100% vegan Heura croquettes! Heura is a type of vegetable meat made from soybeans that has the same texture as chicken or beef, depending on the type of Heura we decide to buy. We can find this type of vegetable meat in many shopping centers and they come prepared with various flavors and spices. On this occasion, we have opted for Heura flavored with chicken and spices to obtain juicier and more flavorful croquettes, but remember that you can choose another type of Heura.

This recipe is healthy, without ingredients of animal origin, simple and with a flavor that has nothing to envy to chicken croquettes of animal origin. Keep reading and discover how to make Heura croquettes.

Ingredients to make Heura Croquettes:

• 250 grams of Heura with spices

• 1 medium onion

• 40 grams of all-purpose flour

• 500 milliliters of soy or oat milk

• 200 grams of breadcrumbs

• 1 glass of oil for frying

• 1 pinch of salt

How to make Heura Croquettes:

Peel and chop the onion very small. Heat a frying pan with a splash of oil and fry the onion until it begins to color. Cut the pieces of Heura with the scissors to make it easier. When the onion is poached, add the pieces of Heura and stir. Add 3-4 more tablespoons of oil. Heat the milk in the microwave for 1 minute at full power. Once this is done, add the hot milk little by little and without stopping moving, thus the béchamel of the Heura croquettes will be formed.

Tip: we have used soy milk, but you can use any vegetable drink, preferably without sugar.

Cook the dough until it is a thick cream. The amount of milk can vary, so it’s best to add it little by little and as needed. Sprinkle a little salt, taste and add a little more if you see fit. As it has spices, it will not be necessary to add much salt and neither any spices.

Put the Heura croquette dough in a bowl and let it cool down. When it is cold, put it in the fridge and let it rest for 1 hour or overnight. Heat a frying pan with plenty of oil. Meanwhile, form the vegan Heura croquettes. To do this, place the breadcrumbs in a bowl, take the dough out of the fridge, form the croquettes with two spoons or with your hands and pass them through the bread.

When the oil is hot, fry the Heura croquettes until golden brown all over. You can also cook them in the oven at 180ºC for 15-20 minutes. Once golden, leave them on absorbent paper to remove excess oil. And they are ready to eat! You will see that the vegan Heura croquettes are very juicy and tasty inside. If you offer them to people who habitually eat meat, you will see that they will not know the difference

Ideas for serving Heura croquettes

You can accompany your Heura croquettes with chips and any vegan sauce that you like, like these:

• Tomato and basil sauce

• Piquillo pepper sauce

• Vegan barbecue sauce

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