Heated Pasta Recipe

The calentado is a typical Colombian recipe that is made starting from a base of tomato and onion stew. It is usually made with rice but this time I want to make a different version with pasta. Let’s remember that the heating is done from food that we have in the fridge, generally they are parts of food that are left over from the previous day and with all this a recipe is made. Keep reading and take advantage of the leftover food by preparing this delicious pasta warm up.

Ingredients to make Heated Pasta:

  1. 1 package of Pasta (the pasta you want)
  2. 250 grams of shredded meat
  3. 2 units of white onion
  4. 100 grams of long onion
  5. 4 units of red tomato
  6. 1 pinch of garlic paste
  7. 1 pinch of oregano
  8. 1 pinch of salt
  9. 1 pinch of Pepper
  10. 100 grams of red beans (optional)

How to make Heated Pasta:

  • Our first step to make this Colombian warming is to prepare the ingredients of the recipe.
  • We must chop the onions very finely. Then, take them to a pan over medium heat with a little oil to make a stew or a base hogao, add salt, pepper and a little garlic to taste.
  • Once the sauce is ready, set it aside and we are going to cook the pasta. To do this, bring a pot to a medium heat, once the water is about to boil, add the pasta and cook until soft or al dente. You can use the type of pasta that you like; in this case I use elbows.
  • Bring back the pan where we have the sauce over medium heat; add the cooked pasta and the shredded meat into pieces. Mix very well until the ingredients of the heated pastaare integrated. If you want you can add the beans that are in the recipe, in this case I omit it because it seemed a bit heavy to add one more ingredient. Add a little oregano on top to give our preparation a special touch.
  • Serve the pasta warmed up sprinkling a little grated Parmesan cheese on top; it is an easy and simple preparation with a homely touch.

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