Heart of Palm Tart Recipe

Do not miss this wonderful recipe for heart of palm cake that we share if you want to surprise the whole family with a spectacularly tasty preparation that is perfect for any time. It is a cake of hearts of palm and grated cheese with olives, onion and tomato to lick your fingers so, do not wait any longer and learn how to make it step by step in the easiest way possible.

Ingredients to make heart of palm cake:

For the mass:

• 100 grams of butter

• 150 Gruyère cheese

• 250 grams of flour

• 1 teaspoon baking powder

• Palm heart water

For the filling:

• 4 tomatoes

• 1 onion

• 50 grams of butter

• 100 grams of green or black olives

• 4 eggs

• 2 level tablespoons cornstarch

• 3 tablespoons grated cheese

• 1/2 cup double cream or heavy cream with a minimum fat content of 48%

• 1 can of hearts of palm

How to make heart of palm cake:

For the preparation of the heart of palm tart dough: beat the soft butter with the grated cheese, and add the flour and baking powder, mixing with the water from the hearts of palm. Let rest wrapped in the fridge.

To make the filling for the heart of palm cake: wither the finely chopped onion in the butter, add the peeled and chopped tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let cool to add the semi-beaten eggs, the cornstarch dissolved in 1/2 cup of water from the hearts of palm, the heavy cream, the cheese and the condiments. Roll out the palm heart cake dough, line a pie pan, arrange the palm hearts, the olives and cover with the previous preparation. Then bake for about 35 minutes. Serve the freshly made hearts of palm tart with a tomato, onion and tuna salad or a baked pumpkin with spices, for example.

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