Healthy Recipe Light Russian Salad

Ingredients to make Healthy Light Russian Salad:

  • 8 slices of smoked salmon (160 g)
  • 100g potatoes
  • 50g low-fat mayonnaise
  • 100g pickles
  • 100g carrots
  • 25g salted capers
  • 100g peas
  • 100g green beans
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon
  • Salt

How to make Healthy Light Russian Salad:

Boil the vegetables in salted water, drain when al dente, and then allow cooling before dicing. Cut the pickles into small pieces. Rinse the capers with water.

In a bowl, combine the vegetables, pickle them as well as the capers, and season with low-fat mayonnaise. Add vinegar and lemon juice to make it smoother.

Place and distribute the salmon slices on a cutting board and distribute the mixture in the center of each one. Roll up the salmon and get the rolls. Put them in the fridge up to an hour before serving.

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