Healthy cold summer meals

Hardly anyone questions the influence of the weather on our body and how this, in turn, modifies our eating habits and requirements. For this reason, during the winter, we prefer more substantial and very hot dishes, which help us keep warm, while during the summer we prefer light and refreshing preparations made to hydrate us.

We have compiled for you the best cold and healthy summer meals, a very special selection that includes recipes for salads, creams, soups, sandwiches and other types of preparations. In addition, we have taken the ingredients into account, leaning towards those that are lighter and more nutritious. What are you waiting for to taste them?

Vichyssoise without cream

This cold cream comes from French gastronomy and stands out for its delicate flavor, its light consistency and the sensation of freshness it leaves on the palate. Originally it contains cream, but in the version that we propose we have replaced it with goat milk, ideal for those who are lactose intolerant. If you are looking for cold and healthy summer meals, this will suit you as a starter or for dinner time

Hake ceviche

Ceviche is an easy preparation made from marine products. It does not require cooking, since this process is replaced by one called denaturation, where citric acid is used to achieve similar properties. The result is an exquisite and nutritious dish, which you can accompany with different garnishes: sweet potato (sweet potato), toasted corn, cooked sweet corn (Choco), oil-free fries , boiled sliced ​​or grated raw carrots, boiled or baked yucca, lettuce, avocado and mango salad, nor seaweed, etc.

Moroccan Chickpea Salad

Moroccan cuisine stands out for having a wide range of healthy summer recipes with very common ingredients in healthy summer meals: vegetables, legumes, fruits, foods with healthy fats and spices. With this criterion, we selected this preparation full of soluble and insoluble fiber and a high percentage of potassium. In addition, it contains proteins, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B9, A, C, E and K.

Melon soup with mint and yogurt

Nothing like a cold soup to keep the body hydrated during the summer heat. And even better if it contains fruit! In this preparation, the melon is the protagonist for its high moisturizing power, as it is made up of 80% water and for its high content of vitamin A to keep the skin healthy. In addition, this recipe does not contain cream, but yogurt, which is why it is lighter and healthier. Likewise, its condiments increase the sensation of freshness in each sip, something that we greatly appreciate when the heat increases.

Quinoa salad with avocado and tuna

If you are looking for cold and healthy summer meals, capable of providing you with a high amount of fatty acids, here is the ideal recipe. This salad contains quinoa, which provides more omega 3 fatty acids than salmon, tuna, which contains more omega 6 than most fish (with the exception of sardines), and avocado, which provides alpha-linoleic acid (a type of omega 3 also present in olive oil).

Carpaccio sandwich

This light sandwich is not only delicious, but it also gives you all the benefits of Carpaccio and the freshness of the vegetables that accompany it. Carpaccio is of Italian origin and consists of raw meat, cut into very thin slices, used for many types of recipes. Its properties include its low caloric content, ease of digestion, and large amount of protein, absence of chemical products or additives and immediate energy intake.

Strawberry gazpacho

Gazpacho is a traditional preparation from Spain and is part of their cold and healthy summer meals. The original recipe contains tomatoes and peppers, which is why it provides a high dose of vitamin C, vitamin A, lycopene (antioxidant) and potassium.

On this occasion, we suggest you include strawberries, as they provide a sweeter and smoother flavor, reducing the relative natural acidity of this recipe.

Lima tuna cause

The cause of Lima is an iconic dish of Peruvian cuisine. This meal is very complete, as it brings together proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats and micronutrients. In addition, it is refreshing, easy to prepare, light and has a sophisticated touch. It is perfect for special celebrations during the summer!

Our version has very affordable ingredients you may already have at home: canned tuna, avocado, onion, and potatoes (preferably yellow). If you are looking for easy, cold and healthy summer meals, try this recipe following the instructions that we share here: “Lamina tuna cause “it’s also delicious!

Couscous and avocado salad

Summer salads always dominate any list of easy and healthy summer meals, as they help fill you up, hydrate you, feed you and preparing them will not give you much work. What do you think if you include one with couscous and avocado in your recipe book? Couscous are semolina grains with a wide nutritional value, ideal for preparing side dishes or as a base for salads, since they can be served hot or cold. For its part, avocado contains 74% water, abundant potassium, folic acid, vitamins B5, B6, C, E and K and healthy fats.

In addition, this fresh and light dish contains: tomato, white onion, lemon, olive oil, salt and pepper. Prepare it as a side dish

Cold beet and apple soup

Don’t you fancy a cold soup? This beetroot soup not only looks very appetizing, but also tastes delicious and delicate, so it is perfect to complement your Spanish or international summer meals. Its nutritional contribution includes antioxidants, iron, abundant fiber  (pectin and others), proteins, vitamin C and potassium, mainly. As if that were not enough, it does not contain cream, but Greek yogurt, although you could also use natural yogurt without sugar to further reduce the calories in the recipe, making it lighter and more nutritious.

Salmon tartar with avocado

The original tartar is based on raw meat, minced and mixed with egg yolk. Then, that base is tossed with various seasonings: onion, capers, chopped parsley, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco sauce, and olive oil. However, today there are many summer recipes that exist, such as the salmon tartar with avocado that we propose for your summer meal menu.

Doesn’t that look good? It’s also a light and refreshing dish!

Mexican salad with beans

This salad is characterized by its high content of fiber, vegetable proteins and slow-absorbing carbohydrates. In addition, it is interesting to highlight the presence of the tomato, since this fruit provides 94% of water and a lot of vitamin A and C. Rest assured that, after the first bite, this recipe will become one of your favorites to combat high temperatures of the summer.

Cold carrot and orange soup

The carrot provides approximately 350 mg of potassium per 100 g, a proportion very similar to the banana, while the orange provides approximately 200 mg. Potassium helps fight dehydration, providing part of the mineral salts or electrolytes lost by the body during this process (the other part is provided by sodium).

In addition, both ingredients contain vitamin A and C, micronutrients full of antioxidants that help you fight free radicals, thus preventing damage caused by the sun on the skin. In this recipe, we also include chicken broth, which provides protein and vitamin B, 93% of the required daily intake.

Tip: Potassium also helps reduce fluid buildup and control blood pressure.

Cod and Orange Salad

Although this very popular dish in Spain can well be described as gourmet, its preparation is very simple and provides multiple nutrients, making it ideal to include in your menu of cold and healthy summer meals.

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