Hawaiian Pastes Recipe – Pastes de Hidalgo

Mexican pastries are very similar to empanadas, only that these are made with puff pastry and can be filled with endless preparations or ingredients. All this variety in terms of its fillings was developed by Hidalgo gastronomy, since at first the pastes were brought to Mexico by the English and their only filling was a potato stew with meat. However, in Mexico, we know that there is a great imagination and having said this without leaving behind the gastronomic aspect, the residents of the state of Hidalgo have modified that first recipe for English pastries and have created countless combinations.

For all of the above, pastries are a super varied, versatile appetizer with delicious flavors.  For this reason, we have decided to bring you a recipe for Hawaiian pastes, so that we will teach you how to make Hidalgo pastes, we will detail the ingredients and accompany each step with images that are easy to interpret.

Ingredients to make Hawaiian Pastes – Pastes de Hidalgo:

  • 1 kilogram of puff pastry
  • 300 grams of string cheese
  • ½ kilogram of turkey ham
  • 20 slices of American-style yellow cheese
  • ½ piece of fresh pineapple
  • 1 cup of flour (140 grams)
  • 2 pieces of Egg

How to make Hawaiian Pastes – Pastes de Hidalgo:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare these delicious Hawaiian cakes. In this sense, you can buy the puff pastry already made if you want to speed up the process of making Mexican pastries, or prepare it yourself following the simple steps of our easy puff pastry recipe. To start, we take the pineapple, peel it very well and slice it into thin strips, like the ones we can see in the following image. On the other hand, we take the puff pastry, place it on a flat surface, which we must flour first, and with the help of a roller stretch the dough until it is approximately half a centimeter thick. Later, with a round mold, a plate, or anything that helps us to mark circles in the dough, we mark the circles and cut them. Repeat this until you finish with all the dough.

Now, to start forming the Hawaiian pastries, we take each of the circles and fill them with half a slice of yellow cheese, a little string cheese, a slice of turkey ham and a few pieces of pineapple, as we can. Observe in the following image. We cover the filling with the free circle part, we seal the edges to close the pastries well, we place them on a previously greased baking tray, and we varnish them with a little of the beaten egg. Then, we bake the Hidalgo pastes for 20 minutes at 180ºC, or until they are golden. After this time, the Hawaiian cakes will be ready to be tasted. You can accompany them with ketchup sauce or any type of Mexican red, green or white sauce.

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