Hawaiian Banana Pizza Recipe

Hawaiian pizza is one of those who love it or hate it dishes, so this easy homemade pizza recipe is for those who love the mix of ham and pineapple on an Italian pizza base.

Learn how to make homemade pizza dough to which we will later add the classic tomato sauce, cheese of course, ham, pineapple and a touch of banana. You will see that the combination of flavors of this variant of the famous tropical pizza will win you over.

Turn on the oven, put on your apron and let’s go with the preparation of the original Hawaiian pizza with banana.

Ingredients to make Hawaiian Pizza with Banana:


  1. 2 cups of wheat flour (280 grams)
  2. ½ cup of lukewarm water
  3. ½ teaspoon of Salt
  4. 1 tablespoon of Sugar
  5. 7 grams of Yeast
  6. 1 tablespoon of Oil


  1. 250 milliliters of tomato sauce
  2. 1 can of Pineapple
  3. 100 grams of cooked ham
  4. 2 sweet bananas
  5. 1 pinch of Curry or Turmeric
  6. 1 teaspoon of oregano
  7. 150 grams of mozzarella cheese

How to make Hawaiian Banana Pizza:

  • Gather separately the necessary ingredients to make the homemade dough and to complete the filling of our Hawaiian pizza. When you have everything, we will start preparing the dough.
  • To do this, place the sugar, yeast and warm water in a bowl. Stir until the dry ones dissolve and everything is well integrated.
  • Add the salt and oil; stir everything again so that they mix well. Then start adding the flour little by little, first one cup, stirring with a spoon and then the other cup, already with your hands, until you get soft and elastic dough.
  • Shape ourhomemade pizza dough into a ball, brush well with oil and leave it resting inside the bowl, covered with plastic wrap, for about 30 minutes.
  • While the dough doubles in size, we will prepare the toppingfor our Hawaiian pizza. To do this, we mix half of the pineapple juice in the can with the tomato sauce and oregano.
  • Heat the sauce in a pan and correct the flavor by adding salt and sugar to level the acidity of the tomato.
  • Cut the pineapple into medium pieces and do the same with the ham and banana. You can buy the ham directly in strips while we will cut the banana into slices.
  • The quantity of these ingredients is always to taste, so do not hesitate to add more or less ham, pineapple or banana. Of course, keep the mixture because the flavor is exquisite!
  • When the rest of the time has passed, we stretch the dough and line a tray with it. When you have it, prick the surface with a fork to prevent it from bulging during cooking.
  • The pizzas are usually round, but make it with whatever tray you have on hand, rectangular or square. Remember to spread a little flour on the tray before placing the dough.
  • Next we spread the base with the tomato sauceand we are placing all the ingredients of the topping on top. Start first with a little cheese, then the ham and pineapple, more cheese, the banana and finish by sprinkling curry or turmeric.

Cook the pizza with pineapple and ham in the preheated oven at 200ºC for 10 minutes or until you see that the cheese has melted and the edges are slightly golden.

This wonderful pizza is ideal for dinner or for a weekend meal and don’t forget that if you want to have it ready in 10 minutes, you can always buy the dough already ready.

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