Hard bread cake recipe

The stale bread cake is a delicious traditional dessert that some may not know about. It is a recipe that results in a mixture between sponge cake and flan, a cake with a honeyed texture and the unmistakable flavor of liquid caramel with which each bite is accompanied.

The best of all? It is a great way to take advantage of the bread that you have left over at home, and the rest of the ingredients are easy to get. In this case, we have decorated the cake with some delicious cherries in syrup, but you can decorate with other fruits that you like, such as apples or peach. Discover how to make stale bread cake in just a few steps and treat everyone at home!

Ingredients to make Hard Bread Tart:

  • 200 grams of stale bread
  • 200 grams of condensed milk
  • 400 milliliters of whole milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla essence
  • 1 jar of cherries in syrup
  • 1 glass of white sugar
  • 5 liter baking dish

How to make Hard Bread Tart:

  1. Cut pieces of hard bread and introduce them for 30 minutes in warm milk. The bread should be completely soaked and softened.
  2. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 180°C with top and bottom heat. Pour two fingers of water into a baking tray and put it in so that it heats up.
  3. Put the sugar in a saucepan, add a splash of water and heat to form the caramel. Do not move the saucepan or mix with a spoon, let the sugar brown only over low heat.
  4. In the bread container, pour the condensed milkand beat until a paste similar to porridge is formed.
  5. When the sugar reaches a golden point, remove the saucepan from the heat.
  6. Bathe the mold with the carameland let it harden.
  7. Tip: Never let the caramel cook too long, otherwise it will turn bitter.
  8. Go back to the container where you crushed the bread and add the eggs and the vanilla essence. Beat for 2 more minutes.
  9.  No need to beat too much or it will foam.
  10. Pour the mixture into the caramel mold. You can use any baking mold you have at home (round or with other shapes).
  11. The important thing is that it is suitable for high temperatures.
  12. Cover the mold with aluminum foil, so that water vapor does not sneak in and the upper layer does not dry out.
  13. Take to the oven, but be careful not to burn yourself with the water. Let cook for 50 minutes at 180 °C.
  14. Take out of the oven and allow the stale bread tart to cool
  15. Take it to the fridge for at least 4 hours, without removing the aluminum foil so it doesn’t dry out.
  16.  To unmold, all you have to do is separate the cake from the mold with a sharp knife. It detaches from the walls and will come out easily when you turn it upside down. Enjoy!


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