Hamburger Patties Recipe

Hamburgers are one of the most chosen dishes worldwide: meat, chicken, fish, legumes, mushrooms and even vegetables, they can be enjoyed by all diners according to tastes and food choices. This recipe for crispy discs of dough with a filling of caramelized onions, cheddar and meat, will make you remember the most popular sandwich in every bite.

Ingredients to make Hamburger Patties:

• 20 empanada disks

• 500 grams of minced meat

• 250 grams of onion

• 50 grams of melted cheddar cheese

• 1 dessert spoon of smoked paprika

• ½ dessert spoon of cumin

• ¼ dessert spoon of ground chili

• 1 egg

• 1 tablespoon white sesame seeds

• 1 dessert spoon of oil

• 25 cubic centimeters of red wine

How to make Hamburger Patties:

To get started with the hamburger patties recipe, you need to make the onion first. To do this, peel it, chop it and sauté it with 1 teaspoon of oil in a frying pan over high heat. When it’s golden brown, lower the heat to medium and add 1 tablespoon of hot water. As soon as the water evaporates, add a tablespoon again. Repeat the process as many times as you want, knowing that the more times you do it, the sweeter and more caramelized they will be.

Once the onion is ready, increase the heat to high and, when the pan reaches temperature, add 25 cc of wine. Reserve so that you do not feel more acid smell of alcohol and turn off the heat. Remove and reserve.

Use the cooking bottom of the onion to brown the minced meat. Do it in batches so it doesn’t release too much juice and it browns evenly. We point out that it is not necessary to cook it completely, since you will also cook it in the oven, but it is important that it browns so that it takes on flavor.

Mix the meat with the previously sautéed onion and seasonings to taste: cumin, smoked paprika and ground chili. Let the filling for your burger patties cool down. You can do it at room temperature, making sure that no more than 2 hours have passed, or you can also do it in the refrigerator, and if you can let it cool from one day to the next, it will have much more flavor.

Once the filling is ready, start assembling your burger patties. To do this, moisten the edge of the disc with your finger and spread half with melted cheddar cheese. Turn on the oven so that it heats up to maximum temperature, 200 ºC.

Add the meat and close the disk. You can do the classic repulgue, close it forward like a croissant or with the help of a fork.

Arrange the empanadas in a roasting pan with a little vegetable oil or spray. Separate them 2-3 centimeters so that they cook evenly and paint them with the beaten egg. In addition, you can also decorate them with sesame seeds, like the classic hamburger bun. Cook them in the oven at 200ºC approximately 15-20 minutes or until the dough is golden. Now you can eat the hamburgers wrapped in empanada dough!

Baked hamburger patties

For baking to be healthy, you should use little oil. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of oil and pour it over the pan. With the help of your hands or a napkin, distribute it throughout the length and width of the pan. On the contrary, if you add unmeasured oil and it covers part of the empanada, it will absorb it during cooking and its calories will be even higher than if you make a healthy fry with plenty of oil.

The empanada disk is made up of wheat flour that, when cooked in frying, absorbs 15% of the weight of the oil food. This represents about 135 calories per 100 grams, about the weight of half an empanada. Knowing that high fat intake is related to cardio metabolic diseases such as hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and hypertension, we recommend that you try this oven cooking, since there is almost no absorption of oil.

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