Ham, cheese and potato croquettes recipe

Homemade croquettes are one of the most fun and versatile dishes that exist in gastronomy in general, since they can be prepared in many ways, styles and with an infinity of ingredients. We can delight young and old with the flavors that croquettes keep.

This time we have for you a delicious recipe for ham, cheese and potato croquettes. This combination is exquisite since these ingredients alone are delicious, and now combined they are the best.

We invite you to join us in discovering this fun and exquisite preparation of ham and cheese potato croquettes, perfect for a summer afternoon with the children at home.

Ingredients to make Ham, Cheese and Potato Croquettes:

  • 1 kilogram of potato
  • 250 grams of turkey ham
  • 250 grams of fresh ranchero cheese
  • 100 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 cups of crusty breadcrumbs

How to make Ham, Cheese and Potato Croquettes:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will use to prepare our ham, cheese and potato croquettes. We are going to start the preparation of our ham croquettes by cooking the potatoes. For this, we boil enough water in a saucepan and when the water is boiling, we add the whole and unpeeled potato. Meanwhile we start to finely chop the onion into small cubes, as we can see in the image. We also take the slices of ham and cut them in the same way into cubes of approximately 1 cm on each side. Once the potatoes are cooked, remove them from the water, peel them perfectly well, place them in a deep bowl and with the help of a potato masher, and mash them. Now add the chopped onion to the mashed potatoes along with a pinch of salt and pepper, and incorporate everything perfectly well. This way our potato, ham and cheese croquettes will be tastier. Followed by the onion, add the ham cubes and the crumbled ranchero cheese. Again we incorporate everything very well.

Now we take a little of our mixture of mashed potatoes with ham and cheese and form the homemade croquettes, in the shape of a circle the size of our palm. Once our croquettes are formed, we pass them through the ground bread, breading them perfectly. We take each of our breaded croquettes and place them in a pan with previously heated oil, let them fry changing sides every minute so that they are completely fried. Place the ham, cheese and potato croquettes on absorbent paper to remove excess fat and READY! We can enjoy them with a little chipotle sauce or with steamed vegetables because they are great. Bon Appetite!

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