Ham and chicken croquettes recipe

Ingredients to make Ham and Chicken Croquettes:

• 100 grams of butter

• 100 grams of flour

• 100 gr of cured and chopped ham

• 200 gr of cooked chicken

• 1 boiled egg, optional

• 1 liter of milk

• Salt

• A few sprigs of parsley

To coat

• Flour

• I beaten egg

• Bread crumbs

How to make Ham and Chicken Croquettes:

Heat the diced butter in a saucepan, when it melts, add the ham and chicken, finely chopped. Add the flour and fry well. Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly.

Finally add the boiled egg and a few sprigs of parsley, all finely chopped. Season and mix well. Spread the dough out in a bowl and let it cool. Cover it with plastic wrap to prevent it from forming a crust. When the dough is cold, cut and shape the croquettes. Flour, pass through egg and breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil. When they are done, remove them from the pan and drain the excess oil on a plate covered with absorbent kitchen paper.

Serve these ham and chicken croquettes and garnish them with a few sprigs of parsley. Starter classified within the group of fried foods that must be consumed freshly made.

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