Ham and cheese baskets recipe

Do not miss this fabulous recipe for easy, fast and delicious ham and cheese baskets that we present to you. These are little baskets filled with ham, cheese and corn that are finger-licking good and that you can have ready in less than half an hour. How? Write down the ingredients now and review the steps of this recipe for salty baskets and you will see how simple it is.

In this case we have used empanada dough to shape the baskets of ham, cheese and corn but you can also perfectly use puff pastry or sliced bread for example. Go ahead and try them!

Ingredients to make Ham and Cheese Baskets:

• 200 grams of ham

• 250 grams of fresh cheese

• 1 can of corn

• 3 eggs

• 12 tapas/dough’s for empanadas

• 1 onion

• 1 bunch chives/small chives chopped

• 1/2 cup cream cheese

• Salt

• Pepper

• Oil

How to make Ham and Cheese Baskets:

Chop the onion and fry it. Cut the ham and cheese into small pieces. In a bowl add the onion, the previously boiled eggs, the cream cheese, and the rest of the ingredients of the stuffed baskets. In a baking dish, assemble the ham, cheese and corn baskets with the empanada tapas as shown in the image.

If you wish, you can make the dough recipe for homemade empanadas yourself instead of buying it already made.

Trick: You can also use cupcake, muffin or cupcake tins to shape the dough and fill the baskets.

Cook the savory baskets in a preheated oven at 180ºC for 20 to 25 minutes. As you can see, these ham and cheese baskets are very easy to make and above all, they are delicious.

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