Halluces Recipe Maracuchas, Creole and Venezuelan

Ingredients to make Halluces Maracuchas, Creole and Venezuelan:

  • 3 Kg Pork
  • 2 Kg Beef
  • 2 Kg Potatoes
  • ½ Kg Carrots
  • 1 kg Head Onions
  • 1/2 Kg Peppers
  • Onion branch
  • peppers
  • coriander
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • Garlic joints
  • ½ Kg Prunes
  • ½ Kg Chickpeas
  • Pamela or Papillion
  • Onto or Achiote
  • Stuffed Olives
  • capers
  • Pickles
  • English sauce
  • ½ Lets Oil
  • Salt
  • Dressing
  • Cumin
  • Curry
  • Oregano
  • Laurel
  • Cloves
  • 3 packages of Banana Leaves
  • 4 packages of cornmeal
  • 2 pavilion rolls

How to make Halluces Maracuchas, Creoles and Venezuelans:

  1. In advance, soften the Pork and Beef Meats.
  2. To the water to soften the meat, add several bay leaves and 8 cloves.
  3. Do not leave the meat too soft, because later, during the preparation of the stew, the cooking process will continue.
  4. The water that we have left from cooking the Meats. Don’t throw it away; put this water to reduce, to later be used in the preparation of the stew.
  5. Chop the meat into small squares or a size to taste.
  6. The fat or butter, left over from the pig; I recommend chopping them into very small pieces and placing them in a cauldron with a little water.
  7. Cook until the butter turns into peas; we will use this butter that results from this process to add it to the corn flour.
  8. Finely chop vegetables.
  9. Heat the ½ liter of Oil together with the Achiote, this to give color to the oil and therefore to the Stew.
  10. Sauté vegetables until tender.
  11. At this time add. Salt, Adobo, Cumin, crushed Garlic, Worcestershire Sauce; all to taste
  12. Add the water that we had previously and we had reserved for the stew.
  13. Dissolve a Pamela in hot water, a little water and then pour it into the stew. (Better if we take a little of the water from the stew and dissolve the panel)
  14. Add the Chickpeas, Capers, Half the Olives and half the Prunes.
  15. Add the meats. And correct the flavors. Let dry enough, until it is a little juicy.
  16. Potatoes and Carrots must be previously cooked and chopped (into small squares). And add when the stew is ready, even when it’s off, I mean outside the kitchen.
  17. The remaining half of the Olives and Plums are added once the stew is cold. Or just before beginning the preparation of the halluces.
  18. Knead; 1 package of Corn Flour, with the Butter that we obtained from the Pork and the onto to give it color.
  19. Extend the dough on the sheet and I think no more explanation is needed.

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