Hake with garlic prawns recipe

This time we are going to prepare a hake with garlic prawns, a very simple dish with a lot of flavor. Hake is a soft white fish, with very juicy meat that can be cooked in many ways.

Sometimes we don’t eat fish because of the bones, so I have prepared this recipe with boneless hake fillets. You can ask the fishmonger to clean your fish well if you don’t want to do it at home, so there are no excuses for not eating fish. A delicious dishes that, if you like spicy, you can enhance with a chilly. Keep reading and discover how to make hake with garlic prawns, we promise that the dish will be great.

Ingredients to make Hake with garlic prawns:

  • 1 hack cut into pieces without bones
  • 1 gram of peeled prawns
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 small glass of olive oil
  • 1 chilly
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Hake with garlic prawns:

  1. We prepare the ingredients to start preparing the easy hake with prawns
  2. In a glass we put the garlic, a little parsley and a good jet of oil.
  3. We crush everything and reserve the sauce obtained to continue with the recipe for hake fillets with prawns.
  4. We salt the fish to taste.
  5. In a skillet or griddle over medium heat, add a little oil and sauté the fish. We booked.
  6. In the same pan with a little more oil, put the peeled prawns and sauté.
  7. When they start to brown, we add the garlic, parsley and oil that we have previously crushed. The amount will be what you want to add, so if you like the hake with garlic prawns to have a lot of sauce, you can add little by little.
  8. If you like it spicy, now we add the chilly, stir and let the garlic prawns cook for a few minutes.
  9. Add the fish to the prawns, let cook for a couple of minutes and turn off. And ready to eat! As you can see, making hake with garlic prawns is very easy and allows us to serve a truly exquisite dish. We can accompany the recipe with some baked potatoes.

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