Hake recipe in green sauce with potatoes

Fish in green sauce is a classic and even more so if we talk about hake.

we show you the richest traditional recipes like this one for making in green sauce with potatoes. Go ahead and cook with us to enjoy a dish full of flavor that the whole family will surely like.

Ingredients to make Hake in green sauce with potatoes:

  • 5 garlic cloves
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 8 Hake cheeks
  • 1 bunch of Parsleys
  • 3 tablespoons of flour
  • 100 milliliters of cold water

How to make Hake in green sauce with potatoes:

  1. In a large casserole we will put 5 tablespoons of olive oil. We will put the casserole on the fire and when the oil begins to warm we will add the finely chopped garlic.
  2. We will fry the garlic slowly until they begin to take on a little color.
  3. In the meantime, we will peel the potatoes, clean them well under the tap, dry them and cut them into beautiful pieces for stewing. Add the potatoes to the casserole and cook the potatoes little by little, stirring with a spoon.
  4. When the potatoes begin to take on a little color, we will add a handful of previously chopped parsley. Feel free to add parsley so that we have a good stew of hake in green sauce with potatoes.
  5. Trick: It is the parsley that offers that intense and characteristic green color to this delicious recipe.
  6. On the other hand, in a bowl we will mix the flour with the cold water. Dilute the flour in the water and add it to the casserole with the potatoes. The flour will help us thicken the willow.
  7. Next, we will add the brother to cover the potatoes. We will increase the intensity of the fire until the stew begins to boil.
  8. If you prefer not to use broth you can also add water and in any case, it is up to you whether to use fish broth or vegetable broth, either of the two will work well in this recipe for hake in green sauce.
  9. Let the stew cook for 20 minutes, boiling over low heat.
  10. We will season to taste. From time to time, we will move the potatoes with a spoon so that they do not cling to the casserole.
  11. After cooking the potatoes for 20-25 minutes, we will add the hake cheeks. The cheeks must be very clean, without thorns or bones.
  12. After about 5 minutes, we will have prepared delicious potatoes with fish in parsley sauce. A traditional spoon dish, cheap, rich and healthy.

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