Hake Pavias recipe

Pavías de merluza, a typical tapa in many bars in the Andalusian area. Thus, it is very common to find hake pavías in Cadiz or taste the traditional Sevillian hake pavías. In all regions we will be faced with some truly exquisite bites of battered hake, as well as simple and quick to make. For this reason, we can prepare them at home without problems, having the opportunity to eat them whenever we feel like it.

These snacks are also known by the name of pavía soldiers, and are made by preparing a dough made with flour, water, beer, garlic and parsley. The garlic and parsley add a delicious touch to the fish and with the beer batter it is so crunchy and so good that everyone will love it. If you try it, you will repeat it for sure, so don’t hesitate, keep reading and learn the recipe for hake pavias.

Ingredients to make Hake Pavías:

  • 1 hack
  • 200 grams of flour
  • 100 milliliters of beer
  • 1 small glass of water
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon yeast dessert
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Hake Pavias:

  1. Cut the hake into similar pieces and salt to taste. We recommend removing the bones in advance so as not to find surprises when eating the hake pavias.
  2. In a bowl, we put all the ingredients to prepare the batter. Thus, we add the chopped garlic and parsley, the sifted flour with the yeast, the beer and a little water. We remove everything until we have a thick cream left. If necessary, add more water.
  3. Now that we have the dough to make hake pavias prepared, we introduce the fish cubes into it and cover them well.
  4. Heat a pan with plenty of oil and, when it is hot, fry the Pavia soldiers. To prevent them from sticking together, we recommend adding them in small batches. We are moving them so that they brown on all sides.
  5. We are removing the hake pavias when they are golden and put them on a plate with kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. We repeat these steps until we have all the pieces of battered hake ready.
  6. We serve the hake pavias to enjoy them hot. We can accompany them with the sauce that we like the most, such as homemade mayonnaise or aioli.

How to make hake pavias – Other ideas

We have prepared some hake pavias without beer, but if you prefer to eliminate this ingredient from the recipe, it can be done without problem. Thus, to make the hake pavias without beer we will have to add a little more water, the amount necessary to form the dough.

Gluten-free hake pavias

To prepare the gluten-free hake pavias dough, wheat flour can be substituted for chickpea flour or rice flour, the former being the most recommended for batters. Likewise, it will be necessary to look for a gluten-free beer or replace it with more water.

Can you make frozen hake Pavia?

And it is! Of course you can use frozen hack. Of course, it will be necessary to let it thaw completely to be able to coat it and cook it.

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