Hake in cider recipe

In this recipe we are going to prepare a very tasty fish, hake in cider. It may seem like a complicated dish to make but, as you will see, even if it takes some time, its preparation is not difficult at all and the result is worth it. Although there are many ways to prepare this dish, I have chosen a “base” recipe, and I have adapted the amount of ingredients, it has turned out very well. You will see how rich!

Ingredients to make Hake in cider:

  • 6 slices of Hake
  • 1 large onion unit
  • 500 grams of Tomatoes
  • 12 units of Clams
  • 4 units of potatoes
  • 2 units of garlic cloves
  • 1 dessert spoon of hot paprika
  • 500 milliliters of Natural Cider (The one to pour, not to be confused with the sparkling one)
  • 3 tablespoons Cognac or Brandy
  • Flour to coat
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Hake in cider:

  1. To start preparing the recipe, we will cut the potatoes into slices neither thin nor thick, add salt to taste and fry slowly, until they begin to turn golden. When they are ready, we are placing them distributed around the base of the fountain so that we cover as much of its surface as possible. While the potatoes are frying, we can take the opportunity to prepare the ingredients for the cider sauce.
  2. Clean the hake slices, dust them with flour and cook in very hot oil until they begin to brown on both sides. As the hake pieces are cooking, we are placing them on the base of potatoes that we have ready in the source. Let’s go with the “sweet tooth” of the recipe, the sauce.
  3. We take the onion, the heads of garlic and the tomatoes, clean them well and chop everything into small pieces. Remember to remove the core of the garlic. To prepare the sauce we will need 2 or 3 tablespoons of oil previously used to fry the hake (enough to cover the bottom of the pan). Before using it, we must strain it to clean it of the remains of flour that may have remained.
  4. Put the oil in a large frying pan and when it is hot add the onion and garlic and let it soften over medium heat. Once we have the poached onion, we add the tomato, the paprika, salt and mix everything well. Then, we pour in the cognac or brandy and the cider; stir again until the ingredients have been well mixed and let cook over medium heat for approximately 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. We already have the sauce ready! We only have to pass it through the masher or the blender in order to obtain a finer preparation without lumps. Preheat the oven to 200ºC. We distribute the 12 clams by the source and add all the sauce on top, trying to cover all the pieces of the fish well. We put the dish with the hake in the oven when it is hot and bake for 10 minutes, maintaining the indicated temperature.
  6. After 10 minutes in the oven, the hake in cider will be ready to serve.

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