Hake Cachopo recipe

The delicious cachopos are well known in the northern areas of Spain, especially in Asturias. They are a traditional dish prepared with great care in the country’s restaurants. They can be made from different types of meat, but today we are going to prepare an excellent recipe for hake cachopo.

Although making the breading is somewhat laborious, it is a simple preparation with easy-to-find ingredients. The result will be a crispy hake fillet breaded with cheese and ham, perfect for a juicy meal for the whole family! Stay with us and discover how to make hake cachopo you will see that it is easier than it seems.

Ingredients to make Hake Cachopo:

  • 4 hake fillets without skin or bones
  • 4 slices of creamy cheese and serrano ham
  • 1 egg
  • 1 package of breadcrumbs
  • 200 grams of common flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 3 glasses of sunflower oil

How to make Hake Cachopo:

  1. The hake fillets that you use must be quite fine. Thus, you can easily work each piece when filling it. If you see that they are not very fine, you can carefully fillet them or crush them a little.
  2. We are going to make two servings, so we will prepare 4 fish fillets, 4 slices of ham and 4 slices of cheese. Beat the egg and add a pinch of salt. Prepare the flour in a wide and flat dish, do the same with the breadcrumbs.
  3. Tip: If you don’t have serrano ham, use cooked or York ham.
  4. On a flat plate, go forming the hake cachopos. Place first a slice of fish, then one of ham and another of cheese. Repeat with another slice of ham and cheese and finish with the hake fillet.
  5. Trick: Do without adding more salt because when you add Serrano ham and cheese you will have enough.
  6. Do the same with the next piece. Try to trim the peaks that come out of the slices. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a deep frying pan or wok.
  7. Trick: You can fill with the quantities you want or reduce the ones we recommend.
  8. Now comes the more detailed part, but with a little dexterity it will work out. Bread the assembled piece first with flour, then with the egg and, at the end, pass it through the breadcrumbs.
  9. Once you have both pieces already breaded with the three ingredients, very carefully place them one by one so that they fry well with very hot oil. Take care that the empanado does not burn, leave approximately 8 minutes on each side. Prepare a dish with kitchen blotting paper to place the cachopos and remove excess oil.
  10. They are super crispy! It is the perfect opportunity to serve the hake cachopos with ham and cheese on a julienne of iceberg lettuce and some slices of surimi.

Hake cachopo and other recipes

  1. The cachopos are very varied. They can be prepared in sauces or made with other types of meat, such as the traditional Asturian meat cachopo or chicken cachopo. In addition, you can also vary the filling, as it can be made of prawns, mushrooms, asparagus and other ingredients. They are so versatile that you will surely find a way to prepare them just for you. If you make some delicious cachopos, you can even participate in regional cachopos championships held in various regions of Spain every year.
  2. Hake cachopos are a great place to start! In addition to the garnish that we made here, you can also accompany them with prawns, clams or other shellfish. The accompaniment can be simple, since it is a very complete dish.

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