Guava flan recipe without oven

The no-bake guava flan is an irresistible tropical dessert for the senses because it is aromatic, very creamy and has a distinctive flavor. This sweet guava dessert has a perfect combination: guava and cream cheese, a very recurring duo in American pastries.

This time in this article he walks you through the aromatic Latin American confectionery so that you can enjoy its irresistible and evocative exotic flavors. A guava flan in a bain-marie, easy to prepare and worthy of great festivities. In Mexico many people prepare it for Christmas. What holiday would you choose to show off with this exquisite dessert?

Ingredients to make Guava Flan without oven:

  • For the flan:
  • 1 can of evaporated milk
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 cups of guava nectar or concentrate
  • 250 grams of cream cheese
  • 1 cup of sugar (200 grams)
  • 5 eggs
  • For the caramel:
  • 1 cup of sugar (200 grams)
  • 4 tablespoons of water

How to make Guava Flan without oven

  1. Wash the guava and cut into 4. Then blend the fruit until you get the nectar.
  2. Strain the guava juice. Discard the seeds.
  3. Previously beat the cream cheese so that it catches air and feels creamier. Pour all the remaining ingredients into a large bowl and stir until perfectly integrated.
  4. Trick: You can replace the cream cheese with milk or cream.
  5. Prepare the caramel directly in the flanera or, if you prefer, in a separate casserole, to later incorporate it. Add the sugar and water that barely moistens it. Cook over high heat, wait for bubbles to appear, the sugar to consume and turn amber. When the liquid caramel is ready, spread it inside the mold destined for the guava flan. Try to cover everything inside. Then, wait for it to cool down and pour the flan mixture.
  6. Prepare the water bath by preheating the water. The liquid should not exceed 3/4 parts of the container that contains the flan. Cook the guava flan in a bain-marie and wait 1 hour before applying the toothpick test.
  7. What does this test consist of? If you poke the cheese and the toothpick comes out dry, it is ready, otherwise you must continue cooking. The approximate cooking time is 1 hour and a half. Once the cooking is finished, you should let it cool down to room temperature before refrigerating.
  8. The next day, take the cold guava pie out of the refrigerator and wait for it to reach room temperature. Then, unmold very carefully

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