Gruyere Stew Recipe

Ingredients to make Coccid de Gruyere:

  • For 4 to 6 guests depending on appetites:
  • 750 gr. carrot
  • 500 gr. leek
  • 100 gr. chickpeas
  • 3 turnips
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 stick of celery
  • 1 bouquet garnish
  • 1 clove
  • 400 gr. of good Gruyere in one piece
  • Salt

How to make Gruyere Stew:

  1. Clean, peel carrots, onions and turnips.
  2. Leave them whole.
  3. Remove the hard top part of the leek and cut it into 3 or 4 pieces depending on its size.
  4. Peel the celery stick and cut it in 4.
  5. The day before, soak the chickpeas with a teaspoon of baking soda; cook them until they are almost ready.
  6. In a saucepan with 1.5 L. of cold water, put the vegetables, the bouquet grain and the cloves.
  7. When it has taken temperature but without boiling, add the piece of Gruyere and the chickpeas.
  8. As soon as it starts to bubble, lower the heat and let it murmur for an hour.
  9. At that time the vegetables will be cooked, the trumpets tender and the Gruyere will have melted almost completely.
  10. Remove what of it because it will be a very rubbery rest
  11. Season exclusively at the end of operations.
  12. It is eaten with pickled cucumbers and a little mustard.

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