Grouper with pea’s recipe

Ingredients to make Grouper with Peas:

  • 1 grouper of 1.5 kilos
  • 200g peas
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 tomatoes
  • flower
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • Parsley
  • oil
  • salted

How to make Grouper with Peas:

  1. We debone and remove the skin from the grouper, leaving it in fillets, season with salt, coat in flour and fry in oil, once fried, transfer the grouper to a baking dish.
  2. In the oil where we have fried it, sauté the very small chopped onion (brunoised).
  3. Add the chopped garlic, also chopped parsley and the peeled and clean tomatoes broken into pieces.
  4. Once the vegetables are poached, mix with a tablespoon of flour and moisten with the white wine, also adding the peas.
  5. We wet the vegetables with a little water and let it boil until the sauce binds.
  6. We put to the point of salt.
  7. Pour this sauce over the grouper and put it in the oven at 150ºC for twenty minutes.
  8. It is served hot in the same source.

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