Grouper recipe with wild rice and basmati

Ingredients to make Grouper with Wild Rice and Basmati:

  • 200 gr. basmati rice
  • 100 gr. wild rice
  • 100 gr. of “cantarelus” mushrooms
  • 600 gr. of clean grouper
  • 1/2 dl of oil
  • Cream
  • Pepper
  • Sprouts of turnip tops in flower

How to make Grouper with Wild Rice and Basmati:

  1. Cook the rice separately in plenty of salted water, 10 minutes for basmati and 40 for wild. Refresh both races in cold water and reserve the basmati cooking water.
  2. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes, sauté and reserve. Brown the grouper on the skin side quickly in a pan with a few drops of oil and finish cooking in steam.
  3. Put the mushrooms in a pan together with the two rice dishes, 1 dl. Of water from cooking the rice and the sprouts of turnip tops, blanched beforehand. Heat, remove from heat.
  4. Add a tablespoon of cream and ground pepper with the mill.
  5. Assemble the dish and add a tablespoon of highly flavored virgin olive oil.

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