Grouper en papillote recipe

Ingredients to make Grouper en papillote:

  • 4 units of thick grouper loins (180-200 grams each)
  • 2 units of large carrots
  • 1 unit of leek or spring onion
  • 8 bay leaves
  • 4 tablespoons of virgin olive oil
  • 4 units of butter nuts
  • 1 pinch of salt and black pepper
  • Virgin oil to garnish and chive stems
  • aluminum foil for wrapping

How to make Grouper en papillote:

  1. Check that the grouper loins do not have bones or skins; wash them and let them dry on absorbent paper, giving them a rectangular shape.
  2. Then, the thinnest part of the loin is folded inwards, making all the loins the same size. Season with salt and pepper and reserve in the fridge.
  3. Scrape the carrots and grate them, similarly peel the leek and cut it into fine squares. Turn in the oven at 250°C.
  4. Cut four equal-sized rectangles of 20 x 15 cm aluminum foil; place them on the countertop and distribute in each of them, a lot of chopped leek. Place two bay leaves on top and then the fish fillets.
  5. Drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil and cover each egg loin with a mountain of grated carrot and the butter nut on top.
  6. Fold the aluminum foil and close the rectangular packages, sealing the edges well. Put it in the oven on a tray, at a temperature of 200°C and remove it after approximately 10 minutes.
  7. Serve immediately, lightly covering the wraps so that it reaches the table steaming. It is important that the fish arrives just right. Accompany with a good virgin olive oil flavored with herbs.

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