Grilled Tongue Tacos Recipe

This typical Mexican dish can be made in many ways: Jalisco, with lime, etc. In this recipe we will cook beef tongue in the most traditional way.

Ingredients to make Grilled Tongue Tacos:

• 1 pre-cooked tongue

• 1/2 onion

• 1 bunch of aromatic herbs (thyme and marjoram)

• 2 tablespoons of oil

• Taco tortillas

• Chopped cilantro

• Finely chopped onion

• Sauce of your choice

• Salt

How to make Grilled Tongue Tacos:

Rinse the tongue, cook it in the pressure cooker for half an hour with salt, the aromatic herbs and the half onion. When the tongue is soft, remove it from the heat and let it cool.

Once warm remove the layer of skin from the surface, it is very easy just cut with a sharp knife and then pull this skin.

Once clean, slice with a sharp knife into thin slices or make it into small pieces as you prefer. Heat the oil and fry lightly and remove the tongue, heat the tortillas in the same pan so that they are with a little oil. Serve accompanied with chopped cilantro and onion and add your sauce. Now you can enjoy these tongue tacos.

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