Grilled salmon with soy sauce recipe

Ingredients to make Grilled Salmon with Soy Sauce:

  • 1 kilogram of fresh salmon
  • 4 units of large potatoes
  • 1 splash of soy sauce
  • 1 splash of teriyaki sauce
  • Milk
  • 1 pinch of Pepper

How to make Grilled Salmon with Soy Sauce:

  1. Cut the salmon into slices approximately 15 cm wide. At the same time we select 4 large potatoes and wash them well to make a mashed potato as a garnish.
  2. Cut the potatoes into thin slices about a couple of centimeters wide. It is important that all the slices are of the same thickness so that they cook evenly.
  3. In a pot add enough water to cover all the potatoes and salt to taste. We cook over medium heat to make the puree.
  4. In a separate frying pan, add a little oil and bring to a simmer.
  5. Once the oil has warmed up, we will add the pieces of salmon that we have previously prepared.
  6. Add enough soy sauce to moisten the salmon pieces and cook back and forth for about 5 minutes.
  7. Be careful, if you put the fire very high you can overcook it, I prefer it low cooking.
  8. During cooking, we will paint the different faces of the salmon with a well-dipped brush in teriyaki sauce.
  9. When the potatoes have come to a boil and are very soft, strain them to remove the cooking water.
  10. Once without water we will add a splash of milk and pepper to taste. With a fork we will begin to step on the potatoes until we get a smooth texture in the puree.
  11. Serve the plate of grilled salmon with soy sauce, accompanied with a portion of mashed potatoes and bon appetite!!

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