Grilled salmon with caramelized onion recipe

According to my diet I had to eat salmon, but since I also had some onions it occurred to me to slightly break the rules to prepare something with a sweet and sour touch. The grilled salmon with caramelized onion is a fabulous dish, it is quite light and the contrast of flavors is priceless, especially if you like the mix of sweet and salty as much as I do.

To cook the grilled salmon we will only use salt, pepper and a touch of lemon, in fact we do not need a drop of oil. While to make the onion confit, we will use a little brown sugar and vinegar. You can see the result, a rich dish of salmon in onion sauce with which you will be more than satisfied.

So let’s go with the salmon recipe step by step, this mixture will make you leave the same menu every day and the best thing is that it is an extremely easy recipe.

Ingredients to make Grilled salmon with caramelized onion:

  • 1 slice of fresh salmon
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
  • ½ lemon
  • 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper

How to make Grilled salmon with caramelized onion:

  1. As in all my recipes, the first step is to prepare all the ingredients. On the one hand we have what we need to make the grilled salmon and on the other the caramelized onion.
  2. So, start by peeling and chopping the onion into thin slices. I have used a large onion because I want the dish to have a lot, but for a “normal” portion, half a large onion is enough.
  3. To make the caramelized onion, place the onion rings in a pan and begin to cook over medium-low heat, with the pot covered, until they begin to change color and become transparent.
  4. When you get this, add the brown sugar and continue cooking over low heat, stirring from time to time. There will come a time when the onion is mixed with a kind of caramel and a fairly thick mixture is formed.
  5. At that point adds the vinegar and stir, you will see how they stop being so thick. Leave on the fire for a couple more minutes and reserve.
  6. You can make this type of onion comfit with white sugar or honey.
  7. Now we go with the salmon, so we season the fish with salt, pepper and lemon juice. For this recipe for grilled salmon with onion I have preferred to use a salmon wheel that is juicier, but if you prefer you can use any other cut.
  8. Cook the salmon in the pan without any oil; you will see how the fish releases its own oil. Brown on the side for about 2-3 minutes, the fish cooks very quickly and you can leave it longer if you like it well done.
  9. The piece of fish broke when I took it out of the pan, so excuse the presentation, but the truth is that it turned out spectacular. So, very carefully serve the fish and place the onion on top.

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