Grilled Pizza Dough Recipe

The grill is one of the most characteristic means of cooking in Argentina; however, this time we will not teach you how to cook meat or offal, but rather pizza! Crispy and smoky, grilled pizza has its own unique flavor.

Some keys to this cooking are: cook it on a clean grill, with no remains of other food; stretch it out and leave it very thin, like stone-baked pizza, so that it completes its cooking without burning; make thin and/or small cuts of the chosen toppings to complete cooking, including cheese to melt; Lastly, you can cover them with a roasting pan so that it has the oven effect and heats the toppings perfectly. Knowing these tips, let’s start with the recipe for this spectacular grilled pizza dough.

Ingredients to make Grilled Pizza Dough:

  1. 200 grams of flour 000
  2. 1 teaspoon of honey
  3. ½ teaspoon baking powder
  4. 140 cubic centimeters of warm water

How to make Grilled Pizza Dough:

  • To prepare a delicious pizza on the grill, make a crown with the flour on the clean table. In the center, place the yeast, warm water and honey. Start incorporating the ingredients from the center out and knead for about 5 minutes.
  • Place the dough in a large container and cover it with film. Let the dough rest until it doubles its volume.
  • Tip: if you want it to rise faster, leave your dough in a warm space, such as on top of the fridge or near a lit oven.
  • Once the dough has raised enough, stretch it out with your hands to the size and shape you want. As we mentioned at the beginning of this recipe, the thinner the dough is, the faster and more correct it will be cooked.
  • Brush a griddle or grill with oil and, over high heat, add the pizza dough to cook on the grill. Move the coals to the sides so the dough doesn’t burn or lower the heat to medium if using a griddle. Once the dough is encompassed, as you see in the image, turn it over.
  • While the other side of the pizza is cooking, cover the one that you have already browned with the topping of your choice. You can even cover it with a roasting that the cheese and seasonings heat up better and have that smoky flavor.
  • Serve and enjoy your grilled pizza. The smoky flavor is unmatched and, as you have seen, you can get it even if you don’t have a charcoal grill at home.

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