Grilled Níscalos Recipe

Autumn is always a good time to go out to look for chanterelles or robellones in the fields. They are found in areas of pine forests or forests and are very common in Spain, but the best thing is that they are an exquisite and very versatile delicacy. There are many ways to prepare them: fried, roasted, braised, with different combinations of ingredients, and more. In short, there are many dishes that you can make and they will not disappoint.

In this opportunity, we are going to prepare a super simple recipe for grilled chanterelles with ham. It requires very little effort and few ingredients, but the result will leave you wanting to lick your fingers. Follow our steps and discover how to make grilled chanterelles with ham.

Ingredients to make Níscalos a la plancha:

• 300 grams of chanterelles or robellón

• 4 cloves of garlic

• 200 grams of Serrano ham

• 1 splash of extra virgin olive oil

• 1 pinch of flake salt (the ham will provide enough salt)

How to make Níscalos a la plancha:

To start with the chanterelles with ham, the first thing is to wash them very thoroughly. Dry those with absorbent paper very carefully, if necessary trim the base a little.

Prepare a griddle or pan to roast them, we recommend that you put a few drops of oil only on the griddle to help them roast better. If they are too big, cut them into smaller pieces. Turn when you see that they take color, it can be 3 minutes on each side, depending on their size.

While the chanterelles are roasting, heat a pan with a good splash of oil, peel and slice the garlic cloves and pour them into the pan to brown them. When they take two minutes, add pieces or strips of Serrano ham and stir to brown them on all sides.

Tip: keep the heat on medium so that neither the garlic nor the ham burns.

Once the chanterelles are roasted, put them in the pan where the garlic and ham are with the heat off and stir the pan so that everything mixes and acquires the flavor of each ingredient. If you like to pair with a little wine, do it with a semi-dry white wine. Enjoy your chanterelles with ham!

Tip: if you have leftover chanterelles, you can add them to some spaghetti with a little braised cayenne pepper and oregano.

Other recipes with chanterelles

A curious fact of this type of mushrooms or fungi is that they must be collected correctly. For example, the chanterelles should be cut with a small knife or lace, and should be reserved in a basket. Plastic bags or other material should not be used, as this harms the reproduction of the chanterelles, since they usually release spores that fall back to the ground to reproduce.

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