Grilled mushrooms with ham recipe

If you like grilled mushrooms, this dish that I share is ideal. Easy and fast, just the way I like it, but also tasty and delicious (just the way I like it, of course

Now we are lucky enough to be able to find mushrooms in the supermarket almost all year round, so there is no need to wait or suffer to taste them. In this way, grilled, they maintain all their flavor and texture. If you also accompany them with a little garlic and ham, they become a simple and wonderful delicacy worthy of the most demanding palate. So do not hesitate, the next time you prepare a side dish, make this delicious plate of grilled mushrooms with ham

Ingredients to make grilled mushrooms with ham:

  • 250 grams of Mushrooms (1 tray)
  • Ham in cubes or strips
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 gram of Maldon salt
  • 1 pinch of chopped parsley (dried or fresh)

How to make Grilled Mushrooms with Ham:

The first step to prepare these grilled mushrooms with garlic and parsley is to brown the minced garlic in a pan with a little oil. Next, add the ham cut into cubes or thin strips to the pan.

Tip: You can replace the ham with bacon, pancetta or bacon if you like it better.

Finally, add the cleaned mushrooms and let them cook for a few minutes until they are golden on both sides (we move them as we see). When they are ready, transfer them to a plate or bowl and sprinkle a little Maldon salt and chopped parsley on top. And ready! A delicious side dish to accompany any dish. It also makes an ideal starter. As you like, in any case, a plate of grilled mushrooms with fantastic ham!

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