Grilled galleys recipe

Ingredients to make Grilled Galeras:

  • ½ kilogram of fresh Galeras
  • 3 tablespoons of Butter
  • 1 pinch of coarse salt

How to make grilled galleys:

  1. Just like when preparing grilled clams or razor clams, the first step is to wash the galleys well. To do so, all you have to do is pass them through plenty of cold water.
  2. Next, heat a skillet and melt the butter. If you prefer you can use olive oil but the flavor of butter will be great for grilled seafood.
  3. Place the galleys on the griddle as seen in the photograph and let them cookfor about 5 minutes.
  4. After this time, turn them overand let them cook on the other side. The galleys should look slightly golden. If all the butter is consumed you can add a little more.
  5. Trick: If you want, at this point you can add a little fresh parsley or garlic
  6. Serve the galleys on the grilland enjoy the seafood dish at the moment. You can combine this dish with Surimi rice and enjoy the exquisite flavors of the sea.

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