Grilled fish fillet recipe without sticking

If you are looking for a grilled fish recipe that can be used to prepare a light dish, you have come to the right place.  we propose to teach you the best way to make grilled fish with this recipe for grilled fish fillets.

Little oil and a marinade of lemon, garlic and parsley to fill with flavor a dish that at first glance may seem bland. In addition, this marinade will help us to prevent it from breaking during cooking, a secret to being able to grill our fish without it sticking. Go ahead and cook with us this delicious grilled fish.

Ingredients to make grilled fish fillet without sticking:

  • 2 fish fillets
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt
  • 1 lemon (juice)
  • Olive oil
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 tablespoon fresh parsley

How to make grilled fish fillet without sticking:

  1. To prepare good grilled fish fillets, the first thing you should do is prepare the ingredients. Depending on the type of fish you want to make, you can ask the fishmonger to remove the bones and clean the loins well. Then, you can cut the fillets to taste.
  2. In this recipe we have used a white fish; you can use any type, although if you have fish such as salmon, cod or sea
  3. On the other hand, finely chop the garlic and parsley. Mix these ingredients with a few drops of olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper. The idea is to make a marinade that will flavor our light grilled fish fillet.
  4. When you already have the dressing ready, make a shallow cut in the shape of a cross on the fillets and completely coat each piece of fish with this. They must be well covered on all sides so that the grilled fish fillets do not break.
  5. Set aside for about 10-15 minutes to make sure the fish absorbs the flavor well.
  6. After this time, you can heat the griddle or pan where you are going to cook the fish. Do not add any extra oil and when it is very hot, cook the fillets on each side until golden brown. In total, cooking does not usually exceed 10 minutes, since an excess of time could damage the product and burn it.
  7. If you have skin-on fish fillets, it is important to start cooking on the skin side.
  8. Serve and enjoy these delicious grilled fish fillets and accompany the dish with light garnishes, such as a little white rice or grilled artichokes. In this way, you can include this light fish recipe in your diet menu or prepare it for dinner.

How to make grilled fish – Infallible tricks

Many people wonder what the best fish to grill are. However, the truth is that all fish are equally good, since the key to success does not lie in the type of fish, but in the cooking techniques used, utensils and the quality of the product. Thus, the first trick that we must take into account is that we have to acquire a quality product. If you have frozen fish, it is essential to let it thaw and dry it very well before cooking it, otherwise the grilled fish will stick.

Once we have the product chosen and prepared, we have to review the utensils. To cook grilled fish it is recommended to avoid the use of metal utensils, preferring those made of wood or silicone. On the other hand, the griddle, frying pan or grill must be non-stick.

When we are ready to cook, the tricks to keep in mind are the following:

  • The griddle must be very hot so that the fish cooks quickly and does not stick.
  • A tablespoon of oil will be enough to cook the grilled fish fillet.
  • Once the oil and the iron are hot, if the fish has skin we will place it skin side down.
  • It is very important to turn the fish when it easily detaches from the griddle or pan. If we see that it is already cooked on that side but it does not come off, the trick will be to remove the iron from the heat, leave it for a few seconds and turn the fish over, it will surely come off without a problem!
  • Respecting cooking times is another key to achieving perfect grilled fish. Thus, in general, 5 minutes per side is usually enough. In any case, it is important to watch it, since depending on the size of the piece it may take less or more.

With these tips you will be able to cook juicy and delicious grilled fish. They serve both for grilled fillet and for loins or slices of fish.

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