Grilled Dorada recipe

There is no secret to making grilled fish, but what we will explain in this easy recipe is how to make grilled gilthead bream full of flavor and have nothing to envy to fried fish.

Dare to vary the menu of your diet with this light recipe, perfect to include in your list of dishes to lose weight, a white meat fish, grilled with lemon and salt, easy, healthy and delicious.  we have recipes for all tastes and, therefore, below we explain how to make grilled gilthead bream, be sure to try it!

Ingredients to make Grilled Dorada:

  • 1 beam
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

How to make Grilled Dorada:

  1. Once you have all the ingredients at hand, the first thing you should do is clean the fish well and make three cross-sectional cuts, more or less deep, on either side of the fish, as seen in the photo.
  2. Ask the fishmonger to clean the fish well, discarding the guts and removing all the scales. Likewise, we have chosen to make the whole piece, but it is also possible to make grilled sea bream fillets following this same recipe.
  3. Next, fill the indentations with salt, also rubbing the outside of the fish. Do not be scared by the amount of salt, the grilled Dorado will not be salty, since the meat will absorb only what is necessary.
  4. Tip: If you have fillets instead of the whole fish, make the cuts the same way and fill them with salt.
  5. Place the sea bream in a mold or container and squeeze the lemons to bathe the entire piece with the juice. Make sure that the juice runs well through the crevices and all the rest of the fish. Reserve about 10-15 minutes for the meat to take flavor.
  6. After this time, heat a non-stick frying pan or a griddle over moderate heat and place the sea bream, as seen in the photo. Cook the fish for about 5-7 minutes until the side that is on the fire is well marked.
  7. Flip the fish very carefully so it doesn’t break, cover the pan and continue cooking for about 10-12 minutes or until the grilled bream is well done.
  8. Tip: If instead of the whole piece they are making grilled sea bream fillets, the cooking time will be less.
  9. Serve the grilled sea bream and enjoy a dish full of flavor, light and fresh. You can accompany this fish dish with a Pico de Gallo and toast or a traditional Caesar salad, exquisite!

Grilled golden – Calories and tricks

100 grams of grilled sea bream have around 90 calories, so you will have to weigh the fish to be able to calculate the exact number of calories in your dish.

Now that you know how to make grilled sea bream and the calories it contains, we are going to see some tricks to prevent the fish from sticking, something very common that can harm the presentation of our dish:

  • The most important trick that we must keep in mind when making any grilled fish is that the pan used must be non-stick.
  • In addition to the previous advice, it is essential to take into account that the iron must be very hot when placing the sea bream.
  • If the fish does not come off the pan, it is best to remove it from the heat and wait a few seconds. It will automatically detach itself due to the temperature change and we can turn it around.

With these tips, the grilled sea bream recipe will be perfect.

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