Grilled cuttlefish recipe

Ingredients to make grilled cuttlefish:

  • 300 grams of small Cuttlefish or sepionet
  • virgin olive oil
  • coarse or flake salt
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Fresh parsley

How to make grilled cuttlefish:

  1. The first thing to do to prepare the cuttlefish on the grill is to clean the cuttlefish well: you have to remove the boat from the inside, then the skin on the outside and then everything from the inside, although you can also leave some ink and the liver. You can also ask the fishmonger to clean them for you, which is what I did..
  2. When you have cleaned the cuttlefish, put a griddle on the fire until it is very hot and smoke begins to come out. Add to the griddle a handful of coarse salt and a drizzle of olive oil. Turn the sepionet face up until golden brown, and then turn it over so that it browns on the other side.
  3. While you have the cuttlefish on the griddle, prepare the picante: Chop two cloves of garlic in a mortar, add the chopped parsley and a handful of salt, chop everything well with the pestle. Add a good drizzle of olive oil and mix well.
  4. Serve the freshly made grilled cuttlefish accompanied by the picante or a good homemade all I oil. I hope you like it.
  5. And if so, I encourage you to visit my blog Mandarins y mile and see all the recipes there are or also visit this similar recipe for grilled cuttlefish.

Trick: It is very important that the sepionet is hot, freshly made.

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